It support hours
Main Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday : Closed
Sunday : Closed
IT office location
The Tyndale IT office is located on level 400 in the E-Wing in office E412.
Information Technology is a department of the Finance and Administration division. IT is here provide information technology tools and services to encourage, enable, and administrate effective learning resulting in increased satisfaction for students, faculty, and staff.
What We Support
Tyndale Information Technology (IT) Support is a central point of contact for members of the Tyndale Community to address all computer, network, and telephone related issues. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Tyndale owned computers and peripherals
- Classroom technology
- Printers and copiers provided by Tyndale
- Tyndale wireless network
- Tyndale office and residence phones
- and e-mail addresses
Students, Faculty, and Staff are responsible for the understanding and care of their personal computers, peripherals, and mobile devices, both hardware and software.
IT Staff
Younan Younan
Director of Information Technology
Geoffrey Hopperton
A/V Manager
York Chan
Senior Network Support Specialist
Tony Leung
Application Developer
Hillman Lai
IT Support Specialist
Lynden Chugg
Senior IT Support Specialist
Your usage of any part of the Tyndale wireless network and/or your MyTyndale email account and/or MyTyndale online file storage constitutes your acceptance of the following Acceptable Use Policy.
Please note, the term “Tyndale Networks” used throughout refers to both the Tyndale corporate campus network, and the wireless network.
All students are to participate in assuring legal and ethical use of Tyndale user accounts, computers and network resources in order to protect the integrity of Tyndale and its resources, and ensure information pertaining to its members is handled confidentially.
A. Acceptable Use
Specific individual responsibilities for students include the following:
- Unless otherwise noted, all software (including program applications and multimedia such as music and movie files) on the Internet and Tyndale Networks shall be considered copyrighted work. In keeping with provisions for intellectual content and copyright ownership, students are prohibited from downloading software and/or modifying any such files without the express permission from the copyright holder.
- No one shall use the Tyndale Networks with the intent to compromise other’s computers, to commit crimes or other unethical acts, or affect network access or performance in any harmful or malicious way.
- All passwords and accounts shall be kept confidential. Do not share your passwords with anyone. It is recommended that you change your password often.
- Tyndale email accounts are the property of both Tyndale and the individual. Do not harvest or distribute Tyndale email addresses for use by any third party.
- Email content should be strictly of an academic nature when sending bulk email messages to campus email recipients. Maintain user confidentiality by using the “BCC” field rather than the “TO” field for bulk email transmissions.
- No one shall use the Tyndale Networks to harvest or generate spam email to any Internet email recipients. Email should not be used for advertising, broadcasting unsolicited messages or annoying other users.
- Students are expected to check their Tyndale email messages frequently and remain within limited disk quotas. Delete unwanted messages since they take up disk space.
- Electronic Mail facilities, web pages, newsgroups, forums and other electronic resources are for Tyndale related activities.
- Fraudulent, harassing or slanderous messages and/or materials are not to be sent or stored. Obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or offensive material is not allowed to be sent or stored on the Tyndale Networks. It is a violation of Tyndale policy to use campus computers or any part of the Tyndale Networks for access, storage or transfer of objectionable or inappropriate material.
- The introduction of viruses or malicious tampering with any computer system is expressly prohibited. Any such activity will immediately result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from Tyndale.
- Alternate Internet Service Provider (ISP) connections to or from the Tyndale Networks or from anywhere on Tyndale’s campus are not permitted.
- Any infringing activity by a student of Tyndale may be the responsibility of Tyndale. Tyndale University shall hold students liable for their individual actions.
- No one shall create, modify, execute or retransmit any computer program or instructions intended to gain unauthorized access to, or make unauthorized use of any computer facilities or software, either inside or outside Tyndale.
- Tyndale reserves the right to inspect a student’s computer system (personal or Tyndale owned) that has connected to the Tyndale Networks for violations of the Acceptable Use Policy and to suspend or revoke network access to any individuals found in violation.
- No one shall make any attempt to tamper with or cause damage to any of the wireless access ports (antennas) or network cabling located at various points on the Tyndale campus. Any person found to have caused damage to an access port or cabling shall be responsible for the replacement cost of the damaged equipment.
B. Recreational Use
Personal and recreational use of the Tyndale Networks is secondary to the primary academic or business intent of the networks. Tyndale does recognize, however, that there are times when students may legitimately use the network for personal, recreational purposes. Many students live at Tyndale and benefit from recreational use of the Tyndale Networks. Therefore, computers connected to the Tyndale Networks are authorized to engage in recreational-use activities, provided that such usage is in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy.
C. Restrictions
The wireless network is a shared resource. The speed of Internet access will fluctuate depending on the number of concurrent users and the type of online activities. In order to ensure an acceptable speed for all users, the following restrictions will be enforced:
- Tyndale reserves the right to restrict access to certain online services or web sites if they are found to cause degradation in speed of the wireless network.
- Tyndale reserves the right to suspend Internet access to any computers that are discovered to be consuming bandwidth to the detriment of the overall speed of the network.
- Tyndale reserves the right to suspend Internet access to any computers that are discovered to have malicious software installed (e.g. spyware, malware, viruses) or that present a risk to the security of the network.
- If you suspect that your Internet access has been suspended, please contact the IT department to have access restored.
- Repeated violations may result in permanent suspension of access.
As a result of these restrictions, students are encouraged to:
- Limit bandwidth-intensive activities such as downloading music, file sharing and video streaming to off-peak times, or refrain from such activities altogether.
- Check your computer regularly for viruses, malware or spyware.
D. Content Filtering
Tyndale has implemented content filtering on the wireless network to prevent access to inappropriate material. Attempts to access such material will be logged. Repeated attempts to access restricted material or attempts to circumvent the blocking process may be subject to disciplinary action.
E. Penalties
Failure to comply with this Acceptable Use Policy may result in the following penalties:
- Restricted or removal of access to some or all parts of the Tyndale Networks.
- Disciplinary action as determined by the office of Student Life, up to and including expulsion from Tyndale.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the Tyndale IT Acceptable Use Policy, please contact studentIThelp [at] tyndale [dot] ca