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News & Events

Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship

CRE News

New Podcast — Heavenly Minded Earthly Good

News   Podcast

Podcast Overview: Anita Wing Lee has spent a decade as content creator -- blogging, filming, snapping, live streaming, editing and publishing her way around the world. Since the age of 21, she's told stories from dozens of countries, confronted inequality and injustice, shared her spiritual journey, and aspired to be a voice for good.

Faith-driven Entrepreneur and Investor Live Conference


Last week (September 28-29, 2022), CRE hosted the Faith-driven Entrepreneur and Investor Live Conference at Tyndale University. All tickets sold and 50 kingdom builders engaged with the materials and each other during these two days. By the end, we came together and prayed for each other and the community. What a beautiful experience!


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Christian entrepreneurs, particularly younger generations, have great potential to shape culture through businesses aligned with the biblical principles of stewardship and restoration. With the CRE, we are beginning a movement to reclaim the public square across Canada, demonstrating our faith in all spheres of God’s kingdom.

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We equip, support, and mentor emerging innovators motivated by their faith to shape culture through redemptive entrepreneurship.