The 700 Club Canada Interview
The 700 Club Canada interviewed Philip Yan, Director of Tyndale University's Centre of Redemptive Entrepreneurship (CRE), to share about CRE’s Social Sandbox® program.
Social Sandbox® helps young social innovators to experiment with their venture ideas and learn about the adaptive redemptive framework, design thinking, finding solutions, storytelling, and more in hybrid online and in-person workshops and mentoring. The inaugural five-week program took place in July. The capstone session took place at Tyndale University, where attending mentors, instructors and business leaders gave their feedback and encouragement to each participant after their presentation.
"It takes a community around you to name where you are at and where your ideas are instead of just reflecting on your own because that reflection is actually really helpful in gaining clarity.” - Paolene Nepomuceno (Social Sandbox graduate)
“This next generation needs to be invested in; they have so much potential, so let's invest in them." Bill Markham, co-host of the 700 Club, echoes the need for Social Sandbox during the interview.
Thank you, the 700 Club, for sharing our story on your program.
CRE Resources
Integrating Faith & Work/Business As Influencers
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The Redemptive Business: A Playbook for Leaders
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Recognizing our Identity and our Mission
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The Redemptive Nonprofit: A Playbook for Leaders
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Getting to know … The Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship
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We equip, support, and mentor emerging innovators motivated by their faith to shape culture through redemptive entrepreneurship.