Winter 2025 Final Exams Schedule
April 14 to 17, 2025
Note that only the timed-exams (those administered within the assigned 3-hour window in the final exam period) will be listed in the schedule. If your course has a take-home exam, it is not included in the final exam schedule. Instead, please check your course page or ask your professor about the take-home exam details.
Final Exams Policy
The following rules are to be enforced in connection with every final examination:
- Students are not permitted to take the following into the examination room
- any materials relating to the examination subject, including Bibles, unless otherwise indicated
- books
- bags
- smart phones or other communication devices
- No student may leave the room without permission from the exam proctor.
- Students who are more than 30 minutes late will not be allowed into the examination room.
- Students will not be allowed to leave the examination room during the first 30 minutes of the examination period.
- No student may leave his or her seat during the final 15 minutes.
- Students must not linger in the halls outside the examination rooms while examinations are being written.
- No student will be permitted to write beyond the allotted time without special permission of the Registrar.
If you have a legitimate exam conflict, please submit a Final Exam Reschedule Request Form on the Forms page to the Office of the Registrar. Requests received after the deadline will NOT be approved.
Deadline for Winter 2025: March 21, 2025
Legitimate reasons for rescheduling a final exam include:
- 2 exams scheduled at the same time
- 3 exams in one day
- Sudden illness or injury (A doctor’s note must be provided)
Illegitimate reasons for rescheduling a final exam include:
- Early vacation plans
- Work Schedule
- Church/Ministry activity
- Personal plans
Students are expected to write their final exams at the end of their courses and are strongly discouraged from missing a final exam.
If you are facing extenuating circumstances that make it impossible for you to write your final exam such as a sudden illness or an injury, you will need to provide medical documentation. You should seek medical assistance as soon as possible to verify that you were ill at the time of your illness or injury, not after the fact.
You will have to submit a Final Exam Reschedule Request Form on the Forms page within 48 hours of the missed exam with a doctor’s note verifying your inability to write on the original scheduled date and when you will be able to write the missed exam(s).
You may be requested to provide the original copy of the doctor’s note on the rescheduled exam date if your final exam reschedule request is submitted electronically or by fax.
Failure to provide necessary supporting documents will result in the denial of your final exam reschedule request.