A Rule of Life for Redemptive Entrepreneurs
What is a Rule of Life?
From the Preamble: The use of a rule of life — a set of practices to guard our habits and guide our lives — goes at least back to the Old Testament figure of Daniel. As an exile, Daniel was in an unfamiliar cultural context that provided no support for the practice of his faith — and as a leadership trainee in the court of Babylon, he was exposed to powerful pressures for assimilation to Babylon’s dominant ethos….
Similarly, at many times in history, notably in the monastic movements, Christians with particular vocations have adopted a particular rule. At its best, a rule of life is an expression of community, undertaken in the belief that we need help from one another to live the lives God meant for us….
What is this Rule of Life meant for?
As a community of practice for redemptive entrepreneurship, we at Praxis believe the starting point for all our work — before organization vision and mission, before strategy and business models and organizational functions — is what we call the “Leader’s Script.” By the Leader’s Script, we mean the leader’s internal answers to questions like these: What are my motives for leadership and entrepreneurship? How do I understand my identity, vision, and mission? What is the source of my creativity and what shapes my imagination? How do I internalize the pursuit of power, prestige, and wealth?
The key to forming and sustaining a godly script is the leader’s practices and rhythms. To this end, we offer A Rule of Life for Redemptive Entrepreneurs as a set of shared practices for the Praxis community, and for anyone interested in faithfully pursuing a vocation as an entrepreneur, innovator, or creator.
CRE Resources
The Redemptive Nonprofit: A Playbook for Leaders
Book Redemptive Entrepreneurship
A Creative Minority: Influencing Culture Through Redemptive Participation
Book Redemptive Entrepreneurship
A Rule of Life for Redemptive Entrepreneurs
Book Redemptive Entrepreneurship
Integrating Faith & Work/Business As Influencers
Article Redemptive Imagination
A Rule of Life for Redemptive Entrepreneurs
Book Redemptive Entrepreneurship
We equip, support, and mentor emerging innovators motivated by their faith to shape culture through redemptive entrepreneurship.