The Redemptive Business: A Playbook for Leaders

The Redemptive Business: A Playbook for Leaders

Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship
  • Book
  • Redemptive Entrepreneurship

Book Cover - The Redemptive BusinessThis Playbook is for founders, funders, and teams building businesses that seek to operate not only ethically but even redemptively—with deep interest in their cultural impact, generous care for their teams and partners, and leadership marked by uncommonly humble ambition.

Based on Praxis Labs’ work with hundreds of business founders and funders, we have identified six core commitment areas of the redemptive business, each with several actionable organizational practices. These can (and regularly are) implemented in organizations without a particular public faith commitment, but they are rooted in a distinctly Christian view of human beings and our shared purpose in the world, which are summed up in the term “redemptive.”

Despite the complex tradeoffs and pressures involved in building a business, we know from experience that redemptive business is not only possible but real, sustainable, and applicable to any industry—not only to “social enterprise." We have walked with so many organizations using the power of business and markets to contribute to genuine human flourishing, while working against the exploitation of all stakeholders—teams, investors, partners, customers, and even competitors.

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CRE Resources

The Redemptive Business: A Playbook for Leaders

Book   Redemptive Entrepreneurship

Integrating Faith & Work/Business As Influencers

Article   Redemptive Imagination

The Redemptive Business: A Playbook for Leaders

Book   Redemptive Entrepreneurship

A Rule of Life for Redemptive Entrepreneurs

Book   Redemptive Entrepreneurship

We equip, support, and mentor emerging innovators motivated by their faith to shape culture through redemptive entrepreneurship.