Centre aims to transform business in Canada — Faith Today Article

Centre aims to transform business in Canada — Faith Today Article

Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship
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  • Redemptive Entrepreneurship


Thankful for our friends at FaithToday for the opportunity to share our passion and mission!

Cover of Faith Today article about the Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship

If you’re interested in any of the programs mentioned in the article, reach out to us at cre [at] tyndale [dot] ca and we’d love to tell you more!

Excerpt from Faith Today Article:

The Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship (CRE) wants to help entrepreneurs bring Christian values to the Canadian business landscape. Philip Yan, its director, says redemptive business programs exist around the world, but CRE was the first of its kind in Canada when it was established in June 2021.

CRE is part of the open learning centre at Tyndale University in Toronto (Tyndale.ca/CRE), and was founded to “equip, support and mentor Christian entrepreneurs who are motivated by their faith to live out the gospel through their ventures.”

Yan estimates there are 630,000 Protestant Christian entrepreneurs in Canada – a strong potential social influence. “We talk about three things – leadership, strategy and operations. All of these have influence in society, so if we can help entrepreneurs do this in a redemptive way, then Jesus will be extended in a greater way in society.” CRE programs include Venture Builder, Business Labs, Redemptive Imagination Gatherings, Social Sandbox and Redemptive Business Sprint (RedemptiveBusiness.ca). The courses are designed to be affordable and fit within a busy entrepreneur’s schedule…

View full Faith Today article

CRE Resources

Recognizing our Identity and our Mission

Podcast   Redemptive Entrepreneurship

Recognizing our Identity and our Mission

Podcast   Redemptive Entrepreneurship

The Redemptive Nonprofit: A Playbook for Leaders

Book   Redemptive Entrepreneurship

The Redemptive Nonprofit: A Playbook for Leaders

Book   Redemptive Entrepreneurship

We equip, support, and mentor emerging innovators motivated by their faith to shape culture through redemptive entrepreneurship.